What exactly does the temporal filter does ?

suggest a way to improve Neat Video
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What exactly does the temporal filter does ?

Post by henyort »

Hello again,
What exactly does the temporal filter in neat video does
or what is its purpose?
And if i disable it, will it resolve the little nags within sony vegas but still
get the same great result neat video is known for?
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Post by NVTeam »

We discussed this Vegas issue in this thread. The problem is in Vegas, Vegas developers should address the limitations of Vegas to let plug-ins do temporal filtration (filtration that uses several consequent frames). Please check that thread to find more details on this Vegas issue.

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Post by TheTooleMan »

NVTeam wrote:We discussed this Vegas issue in this thread. The problem is in Vegas, Vegas developers should address the limitations of Vegas to let plug-ins do temporal filtration (filtration that uses several consequent frames). Please check that thread to find more details on this Vegas issue.

I've just recently purchased Neat Video for use with Vegas 6, and I think I've seen this "stuttering" problem for the first time in a render I ran last night.

Since the posting of this message, has the issue been resolved? Does Neat Video used in later versions of Vegas still stutter this way?

The discussion on the referenced threaddidn't include a work-around that seems rather obvious to me: first render the video in DV format with transitions and all other edits, then apply Neat Video. I guess the steps could be done in the opposite order - run Neat Video on the unedited video, then assemble it in the timeline. (Cleaning up the edited footage might take up less space than running NV on footage that will be discarded, though.)

Does anyone see anything wrong with this workaround (aside from my having posted it in the wrong forum)? :oops:
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Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

No, Vegas itself still has that limitation, so the general problem remains unresolved on the host side.

Regarding the workarounds that you suggest, they will of course work. But you have to remember that if you apply NV to the whole video (with many parts all joined in one big video) then you have to make sure you apply NV using noise profiles and filter presets that suite each scene. One profile for the whole video may be not good enough because noise in different scenes may be different. It should be possible to use keyframes to set up different NV settings in different parts of the video.

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